READY Board mDot™

The Three Labs READY Board for mDot™ is a powered carrier board designed to speed up your prototyping and even alpha/beta system time to market.

The carrier board contains a high dynamic range power supply, perfect for ultra-low power battery applications - yet can still handle the current burst required from the mDot during system boot, join, and normal Tx/Rx, + current draw from user specific application hardware.

The carrier board can be used in prototyping, as well as production, and may entirely eliminate your need to spin a custom PCB for your application.

The 2.54mm (0.1") pitch pin headers line up with standard perfboard, for easy inclusion in your design or prototype.


ReadyBoard_mDot (PDF)

Features Include:

Where To Buy:

Currently the PCB is available for quoting directly from contact form on our main page. Please include desired quantity and target lead time.